Boy or Girl? That is the question!
Hello, I'm Malou the little bunny girl who suddenly became a boy last friday!!
Finally nobody is sure if I'm a boy or a girl!!it seems that I have a malformation.
My mum have sent the picture to a rabbit expert, we hope he will respond, because we have a rendez vous next wednesday with our vet to talk about my case!
I'm in a great shape and I really like my new friend Talisman, I'm happy here, I can go outside, I have a big cage but I'm totally free in the flat and I can run and jump everywhere.I never do silly things and I'm litter trained , I think I can say I'm a perfect bunny!
Here is my last picture:
If you want to help us to determine if I'm a boy or a girl , have a look to my strange genitals:
Really strange? no??
Here is a link to "How to sex a rabbit"explanations:
My malformation doesn't seem to be severe, but it's a discomfort because I'm always wet on the left side and my mum has to clean me several times each day, I'm going to be a big boy and I don't want my mum to clean me!!!
I hope the vet will find a solution!