Friday, August 18, 2006

No more collar [by Malou]

At last!
I had my collar removed.....hurray, hurray!

Last Wednesday the vet told my dad I could have my collar removed on friday but it was too long for me to wait so my friend Talisman helped me to remove it. He nibbled the collar but we didn't succeed.
Fortunately my collar was so dirty yesterday morning that it needed to be washed and they hadn't the heart to put it on me again !
It is really nice because now I 'm able to scratch an ear that has been itching for ten days!!!!

and make numerous kisses to Talisman :

Talisman seemed really happy to have me back home except for the first two days of the reunion.We're even more big friends than before.
We're always wandering together through the appartement now and can't seem to stay apart too long.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We are back !

We are back from the vet !
Malou stayed in the clinic for 10 days and he has been anesthetized 4 times but he is fine now.
The vet placed a vesical catheter on Malou so that he could urinate normally.
We had to go to the clinic twice a day to feed him because he has to wear a big Elizabethan collar to prevent him from nibbling the scar.

Our vet is writing a book on rabbits and he has asked us some pictures of Malou and Talisman to illustrate his book.

Talisman came back home last sunday, he was a little depressed. This is the first time we leave him so long.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ready to go![Talisman]

While I'm going to spend some wonderful holidays with my friends Selune and Torino, Malou is going to Paris again for surgery.
We hope it's the last time, this time !
He is going to stay at the clinic for at least 3-4 days maybe more...
Our luggage is ready and we are discussing about who is going to have the biggest carrier!!

Malou will travel by train because the weather is much too hot and the travel is only 2 hours long by train against 4 h by car.
He has a ticket that reads "petit animal : 1 chien " that means : " small pet : 1 dog". The railway compagny isn't used to transport rabbits !!

My bunny sitter's name is Gwen ( just like Mum) so it's easy to remenber ! She is a painter and she will keep me in her studio while painting !
I will have a private access to the balcony , it's a five-stars rabbit hotel !

Here is a link to bunny sitter's website :

and a link to her bunnies'page : Selune & Torino

you just have to click on the bunnies to see more pictures of them !

I hope we will be back soon !