Friday, July 29, 2005

Emmi is ill

A few days ago Emmi stopped eating, her molars and incisors are maloccluded and she couldn't eat anymore.
Her malocclusion is congenital.
the vet is going to clip her teeth today and I hope she will be able to eat after surgery.
We fed her with mashed banana and baby food for two days I hope tonight she will be able to eat real vegetables on her own!

If you want some infos about malocclusion have a look to this page :

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tote bags

The Totebags are back in stock!

Monday, July 25, 2005

My new bed

Last week, my mom bought several big plastic boxes.As she didn't need the lids, she let them on the ground in her office.
I took a look to those lids and found they could make a perfect bed for me!
I love to sleep on plastic, this is my favorite fabric to rest on, so those lids are perfect for me and thus I don't have to go back to my cage to find plastic to lie on!
Here are some pictures of my new bed:

How a happy bunny I am!

Maybe I should ask for a plastic pillow too!

Friday, July 22, 2005

This little apple tastes good!

Yum, yum, this morning I ate a juicy little apple that tastes very good!
Everybody says I'm a little greedyguts but I love eating so much I can't stop!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Our little trip in Paris

We are just coming back from a little trip in Paris!While our two-foots were visiting and doing some shopping, we played in the garden, chasing each other among the flowers and trees!

On the road :

We tested almost everything that grow in the garden and learned how to hide withing the bushes.
To rest, we had to find out a good wall like the one at home because we love to rest with a wall on our side.Like the rabbit proverb says: "never sleep without a goog wall to lean on!!"

In the garden :

I, Emmi, Experienced a cat -like live by resting against the wheel of the car!

Very clever those cats!! you can thus enjoy shade without getting seen!

As you can see on those pictures, the wether was really hot and we spent a lot of time sleeping too!

here are some pictures of Paris:

the "pont neuf"

"Notre Dame"

the city hall

"l'arc de Triomphe" and the "Champs Elysées"

"place de la concorde" with the american embassy in the background

"place de la concorde" with the Eiffel tower in the background

In the end we were happy to get back home,it's good to find again our habits and our playground!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hello I'm Emmi

Hello, I'm Emmi and I'm dropping a line just to say you would be surprised to see how my best friend Talisman is really in shape today... He can't stop from leaping all across the flat!
Let me tell you you should make a will because it's quite unusual and he is really cheering me up acting like this, especially with those gloomy clouds in the sky.
Have a nice day!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hello girls!!

Hi girls, I'm Talisman...I just came to kiss you hello !

Today, big clouds are rolling but i'm going to have a nice day anyway!
After those last days of heavy heat maybe the coolness will allow me to make a few hops on the balcony and show everybody how good a sportbunny I am!

Have a good day!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Talisman, the Lazy bunny!

Talisman is a very lazy bunny who sleeps all day long!
Even Emmi seems to think he sleeps too much...she is getting bored doing nothing and she keeps trying to wake him up....with no sucess!!

Monday, July 04, 2005

basil and field strawberries

Emmi and Talisman eating field strawberries and basil for breakfast :

Friday, July 01, 2005

I love dill!!

Talisman eating dill this morning: