Monday, February 27, 2006

a few fights..[Malou]

Monday again, and a new week is starting off.....with a fight!

Yes, Talisman and I started a fight twice this morning and needless to say the two-feet were not so happy about that.
They're getting worried about the two of us getting along fine together but let's put everybody at rest, those fight are now nothing more than little games and teasing.
At the beginning I tried to dominate Talisman but the sole problem is.....the weight and strenght of talisman.
He is undoubtedly the leader within our small team as within every rabbits team there has to be a leader, a dominant.
I don't mind about it in fact as he is a nice friend to get along with but as i like to be a little nasty sometimes, i have to start a fight, even just for fun!
The other news of this week-end is that we had a lot a dried banana slices to eat, this is absolutely delicious.
And, clever as i am, i noticed that the two-feet tend to give us some after a fight to calm us down.....isn't that a good reason to take some good time starting a fight!?
Now I'm punished and Talisman is alone in our new home having some good time :


At 10:14 PM, Blogger Mrs. Sniffles said...

Sorry to hear that you are punished! But that is a very cute picture, and I think that the more glamourous a bun looks, the quicker the punishment will end.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

Have fun but don't fight too often and more importantly, don't injure yourself or Talisman!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Spirit said...


I saw a wild bunny in my yard this morning. He was cute but not as cute as you are Tailsman!

*wags tail*


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